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Water Conservation Tips

Conserving water protects a valuable resource and makes sure there is enough for everyone. Residents are encouraged to actively conserve water year-round.

Northglenn has declared a Stage 1 Drought; do your part now to reduce water use!

Waste of Water Guidelines
These guidelines help all of us change our water use habits.

Current Waste of Water guidelines include:
  • Water during the coolest part of the day, before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
  • Water no more than three times per week.
  • Don’t wash sidewalks, patios, or siding with a hose.
  • Don’t let excessive water run in the gutter.
  • And don’t “water” sidewalks. They don’t need it!

Water Restrictions
It's Serious Business
Water restrictions are implemented when the city’s water supply is extremely low or is being severely impacted by drought conditions. Water restrictions are mandatory. Violations to water restrictions can result in fines and potential water shut-off.

Residents will be made aware of water restrictions in the city’s newsletter,, and on the city’s social media pages.

  • Watering your lawn twice a week saves 7,000 gallons each year.
  • Water the lawn for one minute less saves 4,000 gallons each year.

Watering Guide
Ideas for When and How to Water Your Lawn

Many times, homeowners set their sprinkler system in the spring and “forget it,” letting it run the same way all summer. To get the most from your irrigation system, and to keep your lawn healthy and drought tolerant, water only two days per week, and change your watering times each month. For even better results, break up your watering times into two or three shorter cycles.

We recommend:

    May June July August September
Fixed Spray Heads   15 20 23 20 13
Rotor Heads   33 43 50 43 30
Rotary Nozzle   42 61 65 55 39

* - Some landscapes might need more or less watering.

  • Xeriscaping is a way to have a beautiful yard and conserve water.

All that water! How You Use It
These numbers are estimates but can give you a good idea of how water is typically used in a home, and of where you might be able to cut back.

  • Bathing 13%
  • Toilets 10%
  • Faucets 9%
  • Dishwasher 1%
  • Clothes Washer 9%
  • Leaks 8% (wow!)
  • Landscaping 50%
Outdoor Water Conservation
Most of your water use is outdoors.

Here are some ways to conserve outside:
  • Check for leaks in hoses, faucets and sprinkler systems.
  • Set your lawn mower to a taller height.
  • Don’t hose off sidewalks and driveways, use a broom instead.
  • Don’t “water” your concrete.
  • Keep an eye on your sprinkler system and adjust sprinkler heads as necessary.
  • Update your landscape with less grass and more water-wise plants.
  • Install a rain sensor for your sprinkler system.
  • Replace high-use sprinkler heads with water-efficient models.

Indoor Conservation
More than 50 percent of water used is for outdoor use, but that's only the half of it.

Here are some easy ways to conserve water inside your home:
  • Run your washing machine or dishwasher only when you have a full load.
  • Turn off the water when you brush your teeth or wash your face. This can save you 4 to 10 gallons of water each day.
  • Install a low flow shower head.
  • Shower for one minute less saves 3,000 gallons each year.
  • Upgrade to an EPA WaterSense toilet saves 11,000 gallons each year.
  • Install faucet aerators.
  • Fix leaking toilets and faucets.
  • Replace high water appliances and fixtures with new, water efficient models.

See if your toilet is wasting water:
  1. Take the lid off of the tank and put a few drops of food coloring in the water. Set a timer and wait 10 minutes.
  2. After the timer goes off, check to see if any food coloring has leaked into the toilet bowl.
  3. Watch the tank components while flushing the toilet to see if the flapper is functioning properly.
  4. If it isn’t sealing, check for a faulty flapper, chain, or float ball and replace the damaged components as soon as possible.

That sound your toilet makes, like it’s still running? It is, and it’s wasting water and costing you money. Many things can cause a toilet to hiss or sound like its running, so get it checked out.

And while you’re at it, check for leaks in your faucets, plumbing, washing machine hookups, and showers.

Updated Water Plan

The city has updated its water efficiency plan, approved by City Council in July 2020. 

Feedback may be sent in May and June to

The city developed its current water efficiency plan in 2007. Thanks to the hard work of residents, we met many of our water conservation goals. Now with higher demand on water due to Colorado’s growing population and climate change, the new water efficiency plan builds on 2007 goals and details how Northglenn can further reduce residential, commercial and municipal water use. This includes advanced methods of conservation, along with expanding existing programs for residents and businesses that encourage water conservation.

Related Information
Water Conservation

Report a Waste of Water Violation